Academy for Future Science

Explore New Scientific Ideas for the Future

The Academy For FUTURE SCIENCE is a non-profit corporation that examines new scientific ideas for the future. Through science and information technology, the world is undergoing major transformations in social, cultural, economic, and environmental dimensions. In the ongoing development of life there is the need to also understand the role of human consciousness and what some thinkers like Roger Penrose entertain as Quantum Mind. The principal goal of the Academy is to provide all people with educational and scientific tools that will help them meet the resulting challenges.
For deeper spiritual thought, visit the Academy’s Keys of Enoch® site. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®
If you want to send special prayers around the world see our website at Heal the Planet
You can explore the mysteries of the pyramids of Giza and the Chambers of the Deep at the Academy’s Initiation site.

The Latest Scientific Articles

Negative Effective Mass

Negative Effective Mass

Scientists Demonstrate Negative Effective Mass in a Bose-Einstein Condensate at Washington State University While the concept of negative mass seems somewhat counter-intuitive because of our observations in the physical world, Einstein considered it in his Theory of...

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Balito Bay Boy

Balito Bay Boy

Ancient Boy’s DNA Pushes Back the Timeline for Human Divergence   There is growing consensus among scientists that many of the fossils found in various parts of Africa that have been dated to 200 000 years ago are those of archaic Homo sapiens, precursors to...

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Crisis of the Amazon

Crisis of the Amazon

Crisis of the Amazon: An Overview by a Visiting  Scientist Copyright © 2005 J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. ABSTRACT Intimately coupled with the whole complex of environmentalism and  sustainability is the Amazon rainforest. No other area of earth has been as much in the...

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Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation

Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation

Innovative Technique for In Situ Treatment of Contaminated Surface Waters and Submerged Sediments by Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation John W. Di Turo Cellinite Technologies Co., LLC 1451 Route 208 Walkill, NY 12589 James J. Hurtak, Ph.D. AFFS...

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Blue Brain Project

Blue Brain Project

The Brain Works in up to Eleven-Dimensional Structures Scientists have discovered that the neurons of the brain connect with each other in very specific geometries, building up to eleven-dimensional structures or cliques. In 2005, the scientists at Brain Mind...

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Additional News

Asteroid DA14

The Asteroid DA14 Feb 15 2013 Close approach to Earth Dr. J.J. Hurtak and Dr. Desiree Hurtak discuss with Host Alan Steinfeld of New Realities TV how vulnerable we are if we remain land locked on planet Earth. It may be time to expand our reality and move our destiny...

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