David Skinner M.A. Academy For Future Science
We are now facing very serious challenges regarding the State of the World and Environmental changes that are now taking place throughout the planet. Our technology from space and on the ground has assisted us in seeing the state of crops, populations, water resources, etc., which we have worked to analyze. The Academy has also been involved in global Summits on Environmental Issues over recent years (UN Summit on Sustainable Development, Capetown, 2002; Rio plus 20 on Environmental Change, Rio, 2012, etc.). We have always been in the forefront of preparing people for issues of change and futurism. We recommend to anyone who is trying to make sense of the shifts that are occurring around them, that they create a constructive perspective and not one of fear and finger-pointing. Each of us can help in making this a better planet through heart centered solutions.
Presented Article in Three Parts
Part 1 Climate Change – Greenhouse Gases