Unidentified Objects over Fukushima Nuclear Plants

Unidentified Objects over Fukushima Nuclear Plants

Historic events have unfolded in Fukushima, Japan. Many experts believe the scale of this tragedy to be the greatest nuclear tragedy in history. Leadership in Tokyo and the world need to recognize that this nuclear crisis is not a passing event in one distant part of...
Earth Day 2009

Earth Day 2009

Earth Day 2009 We at the Academy invite our friends to celebrate this special day known as “Earth Day” (April 22). We want to raise our consciousness not only in relation to the earth, but also all four elements of life from the water to the sky and the...
Citizen’s Hearing: The Varginha Case

Citizen’s Hearing: The Varginha Case

Citizen’s Hearing: The Varginha Case by A.J. Geverard In May 2013, at the National Press Clude in Washington DC, top researchers and investigators on the ET Question got together to testifier about what they had experienced before an assembled group os...
Our Role on Schoolhouse Earth

Our Role on Schoolhouse Earth

Extraterrestrial and Ultraterrestrial Realities Our Role on Schoolhouse Earth The first questions everybody asks are: What do alien races look like? How many races are there? In order to address these important questions we must provide an overall picture of the...
Extraterrestrial Realities and UFO Reports

Extraterrestrial Realities and UFO Reports

Extraterrestrial Realities and UFO Reports Over the course of the next twelve months, the UFO subject will come under intense media and public interest in various parts of the world. 2005 saw the release of documents by the Brazilian government covering major events...
Hawaii, January 26, 2006

Hawaii, January 26, 2006

Hawaii, January 26, 2006 Two unidentified lights were seen along Kewalo Basin and Ala Moana Beach Park around 6:20 PM. Video was taken by a News Camera, see link below. http://www.khon2.com/home/ticker/5387746.html

Laphalele, South Africa – UFO Crash

Laphalele, South Africa – UFO Crash The Academy has investigated a very important event that has come to light: the sighting of a vehicle crashing on the South African-Botswana border. Strange and terrifying sounds of what many believe to be a Ufo that was about...

Natal, Brazil: Most Recent UFO Sighting

Natal, Brazil: Most recent UFO Sighting This photo taken by Roberto Di Sena, who was formerly with the Brazilian military. He took the photos in the morning on November 26, 2006, in a town called Alagamar, which is outside the city of Natal, in the Brazilian state of...

Campeche, Mexico Radar Sightings from an Airplane

Campeche, Mexico Radar Sightings from an Airplane As part of their surveillance they use Star SAFIRE II infrared sensing device manufactured by FLIR Systems of Portland, Oregon. To their surprise, what they could only see on the radar was several unidentified flying...
Ruwa, Zimbabwe, September 16, 1994

Ruwa, Zimbabwe, September 16, 1994

Ruwa, Zimbabwe, September 16, 1994 (chief Investigators:  John Mack, Cynthia Hind) Two pictures from children. In recent research updates, Dr. J.J. Hurtak has spoken about the importance of the Zimbabwe case where sixty-two children at the Ariel school in the town of...

Alien Video by Sara Cuevas

Alien being videotaped by Sara Cuevas Metepec: Fraud or Truth? With the exception of Jaime Maussan, the investigators who looked into this case claimed Sara Cuevas was a fraud. She saw a UFO, ran for her camera, but only videotaped the alien (see insert). She never...

Commentary on the Release of GEPAN Documents

Commentary on the Release of GEPAN Documents by Dr. J.J. Hurtak Many acknowledged pioneering writers and investigators in the fields of space, exobiology, as well as specialists in the world ET phenomenon, state that this is not the first governmental event of its...

More Government Releases of UFO Files

More Government Releases Most of the world on May 14, 2008 was pleased to see the release of basic UFO files by the government of the United Kingdom covering the years 1978 to 1987. Britain’s Ministry of Defence (MOD) had maintained the documents and stated that...

2008 in Stephenville, TX

January 8, 2008 in Stephenville, TX Sightings Something just occurred that is becoming more and more common: on January 8, 2008 in Stephenville, TX just south west of Dallas-Ft. Worth, an area known as ‘central Texas’, ‘dozens’ of the...