Crisis of the Amazon

Crisis of the Amazon

Crisis of the Amazon: An Overview by a Visiting  Scientist Copyright © 2005 J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. ABSTRACT Intimately coupled with the whole complex of environmentalism and  sustainability is the Amazon rainforest. No other area of earth has been as much in the...
Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation

Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation

Innovative Technique for In Situ Treatment of Contaminated Surface Waters and Submerged Sediments by Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation John W. Di Turo Cellinite Technologies Co., LLC 1451 Route 208 Walkill, NY 12589...
Laser Remote Sensing

Laser Remote Sensing

Laser Remote Sensing of Forest and Crops in Genetic-Rich Tropical Areas Dr. Edgardo Gerck Lasertech S.A. Campinas, SP, Brasil Dr. James J. Hurtak Lasertech-USA Los Gatos, California  USA [Originally published in International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote...