Academy for Future Science
Scientific ArticlesArticles in All Categories
Electromagnetism and Field Changes in the Universe Dr Roger J. Palmer DVM In the early universe, swirling volumes of charged particles aligned to form highways /networks of magnetism throughout space. At the nodal points of intersections, stars began to ignite - thus...
Self-repairing and sustainability of life
Electromedicine: the science that will contribute to the healing, self-repairing and sustainability of life Barbara Jacob Ph.D. Since the beginning of time, humanity has suffered from diseases associated with pathogenic microorganisms, some still incurable, such as...
Linguistic-Wave Genetics
Exploring the Principles of Linguistic Wave Genetics Peter Gariaev, Ph.D., J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., and D.E. Hurtak, Ph.D. Copyright © 2019 J.J. Hurtak, Desiree Hurtak and Peter Gariaev The study of Linguistic-Wave Genetics (LWG) originated with the work of Gariaev...
Adam’s Event
The Adams Event and the Demise of the Dinosaurs Forty-two thousand years ago during what has been dubbed the ‘Adams Transitional Geomagnetic Event’ (Adams Event), our planet experienced a catastrophic strike by an off-planetary object and a massive change in...
South Africa Oldest Rock Art
Abstract Art from the Middle Stone Age The oldest piece of abstract art ever found was in a small cave on the South African Cape coast. About 300 kms east of Cape Town, South Africa lies a well-researched archaeological site called Blombos Cave (BBC) in the Blombos...
Phobos Mission and Space Law
THE NEED FOR A NEW SPACE LAW AND THE ‘LOST’ RUSSIAN PHOBOS 2 MISSION by James J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D, and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D. One of the important areas of Space Law is to establish the practice of...
On the Origin of Life: Panspermia and Octopus from Space By Dr. Kenneth Scott and Bradley Pitt So how does life come into being in the third dimension? As we have been told in our text books, primitive life evolved here, but arrived through a type of panspermia...
Mars Organic Molecules (new findings)
New Findings: The Beginning of the End in the Search for Life on Mars? By J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D., MS.Sc. (8 June 2018) This low-angle self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows the vehicle at the site from which it reached down to...
Microfossils Life on Earth Update
UW–Madison geoscience researchers on a 2010 field trip to the Apex Chert, a rock formation in western Australia that is among the oldest and best-preserved rock deposits in the world. COURTESY OF JOHN VALLEY Did life begin on Earth much earlier than expected? Fossils,...
The Dogon in Mali & Cosmic Citizenship
(Joost de la Rive Box) The Keys to sciences of the past are given in “the desert” Many of these megalithic sites are aligned with specific star grids. Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades were often used by the priest scientists of previous cycles for their trigonometric...
The Dogon in Mali & Cosmic Citizenship (part two)
Part 2 – The “Sirius mystery”: myth and measurement Dogon legend on the Sirius system According to Dogon legend, the Nommo visited the earth from a celestial body in the Sirius system. The Nommo gave the Dogon knowledge of an invisible star in this system called...
Climate Change: It’s Changing Our System of Things
David Skinner M.A. Academy For Future Science We are now facing very serious challenges regarding the State of the World and Environmental changes that are now taking place throughout the planet. Our technology from space and on the ground has assisted us in seeing...
Negative Effective Mass
Scientists Demonstrate Negative Effective Mass in a Bose-Einstein Condensate at Washington State University While the concept of negative mass seems somewhat counter-intuitive because of our observations in the physical world, Einstein considered it in his Theory of...
Balito Bay Boy
Ancient Boy’s DNA Pushes Back the Timeline for Human Divergence There is growing consensus among scientists that many of the fossils found in various parts of Africa that have been dated to 200 000 years ago are those of archaic Homo sapiens, precursors to...
Crisis of the Amazon
Crisis of the Amazon: An Overview by a Visiting Scientist Copyright © 2005 J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. ABSTRACT Intimately coupled with the whole complex of environmentalism and sustainability is the Amazon rainforest. No other area of earth has been as much in the...
Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation
Innovative Technique for In Situ Treatment of Contaminated Surface Waters and Submerged Sediments by Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation John W. Di Turo Cellinite Technologies Co., LLC 1451 Route 208 Walkill, NY 12589 James J. Hurtak, Ph.D. AFFS...
Blue Brain Project
The Brain Works in up to Eleven-Dimensional Structures Scientists have discovered that the neurons of the brain connect with each other in very specific geometries, building up to eleven-dimensional structures or cliques. In 2005, the scientists at Brain Mind...
Part 1 Climate Change – Greenhouse Gases
PART 1: EARTH CHANGES Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases David Skinner M.A. Academy For Future Science According to a report released by the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2015, carbon dioxide is the number one greenhouse gas...
Part 3 Climate Change – Climate Refugees
Beginning Part 3 How Climate Change Affects Us Climate Refugees David Skinner M.A. Academy For Future Science Rising temperatures and rising sea levels are already creating climate refuges. Let us consider the following: In 2016 the Department of Housing and...
The Holographic Universe
A new machine called “Hogan’s Holometer” presently being built at Fermilab will measure more precisely than any hitherto constructed the odd noise signals detected in previous searches for the gravitational waves (and their concomitant space-time ripples) that are...
Evidence for Cosmic Inflation
EVIDENCE FOR COSMIC INFLATION In 1979, Alan Guth (now at MIT), proposed the concept of cosmic inflation. He believed that the initial energy of the universe would cause a runaway expansion. Until recently it has been theoretical although mathematically proven that the...
Unidentified Objects over Fukushima Nuclear Plants Historic events have unfolded in Fukushima, Japan. Many experts believe the scale of this tragedy to be the greatest nuclear tragedy in history. Leadership in Tokyo and the world need to recognize that this nuclear crisis is...
Practical Counter Measures to Energy Needs In Your Personal Life
PRACTICAL COUNTER MEASURES TO ENERGY NEEDS IN YOUR PERSONAL LIFE Prepared by The Academy for Future Science Cycle or walk for shorter journeys. If you have to drive, do it ecologically--look ahead to avoid sudden breaking and accelerating. Buy green–hybrid or "flex...
Discovery of Gravitational Waves
What does the Discovery of Gravitational Waves Mean for Us? We are just now beginning to detect gravity waves that were recorded for the first time by scientists at the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) program. Physicists with The LIGO...
Searching for Water Ceres and Mars
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA Image credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona, Searching for Water on Ceres and Mars By J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D., MS. Sc. At any minute (starting 6th of March 2015) Jet Propulsion...
The Mysterious Rings of Saturn
THE MYSTERIOUS RINGS OF SATURN copyright © 2014 James J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft is currently orbiting the ring system of Saturn. It has been on an extended mission since 2008 and amazingly continues to send back...
NASA’s Voyager 1
NASA's Voyager 1 at outer reaches of solar system, poised to enter interstellar space. This artist's concept shows plasma flows around NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft as it gets close to entering interstellar space. Image released Dec. 3, 2012. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/The Johns...
New Region at the Outer Reaches of the Solar System
NASA's pioneering Voyager 1 probe has encountered an uncharted new region at the outer reaches of the solar system, the spacecraft is at the precipice to go into interstellar space, space scientists say. Voyager 1 which has been traversing the solar system for more...
Mars Science Laboratory
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) gets ready to search for life on the Martian surface The success of Jet Propulsion Lab's "Curiosity" landing on the surface of Mars, August 5-6th, 2012, a $2.5 billion USD project by NASA, brings a new and exciting chapter that could...
New Evidence for the Multiverse
New Evidence for the Multiverse Copyright © 2011 Academy For Future Science The idea that there are multiple universes other than our own known physical universe has been popularized and culturally rooted for years throughout the media of science-fiction, fantasy, and...
MARS500: TO MARS AND BACK IN A CANISTER June 3, 2010 was a monumental beginning of an important program where six future cosmonauts from Italy, France, China and Russia in front of a plethora of cameras and newsmen in Moscow walked into a confined space for the next...
THE SEARCH FOR THE MEANING OF THE PYRAMIDAL STRUCTURES ON MARS: DO THEY HOLD THE KEY TO MAN'S EXISTENCE? by J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., Copyright © 1973, 1976, 2006 J.J. Hurtak Five hundred years ago human beings were seen as the pinnacle of creation and their Earth...
MARS Early Water
MARS Early Water March 2004 Did Life as We Know It Once Exist on Mars? Copyright © 2004 J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. NASA's mission briefing (the week of 3 March 2004) on the progress of the Mars rover at Meridiani Planum, introduced startling new evidence of water once...
Space Law Needed for The Protection of Martian Resources
Space Law Needed for The Protection of Martian Resources by J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D, Ph.D. AFFS Corporation Excerpts from a Paper for the Mars Society Conference, Copyright ©2003 J.J. Hurtak Introduction The recent confirmation of surface and subsurface ice and water...
Update on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Update on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. The successful rendevous of the MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbitor) with the planet Mars on March 10th (2006) will allow sophisticated instruments to look for 'waterways' and document the dendritic...
International Day of Peace
The Academy For Future Science asks for a moment of Silent Celebration in September of each year for the International Day of Peace. Let us put the words: “Blessed are the Peacemakers” Into Action! A time of change has come for everyone to realize that peace starts...
Earth Day 2009
Earth Day 2009 We at the Academy invite our friends to celebrate this special day known as "Earth Day" (April 22). We want to raise our consciousness not only in relation to the earth, but also all four elements of life from the water to the sky and the fire. We also...
The Future Is in Our Hands
THE FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS on Global Climate Change Only a few newscasts gave major coverage to it, but on September 24 a special high-level conference at the United Nations entitled THE FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS on Global Climate Change took place in New York. It was an...
Citizen’s Hearing: The Varginha Case
Citizen's Hearing: The Varginha Case by A.J. Geverard In May 2013, at the National Press Clude in Washington DC, top researchers and investigators on the ET Question got together to testifier about what they had experienced before an assembled group os...
Our Role on Schoolhouse Earth
Extraterrestrial and Ultraterrestrial Realities Our Role on Schoolhouse Earth The first questions everybody asks are: What do alien races look like? How many races are there? In order to address these important questions we must provide an overall picture of the...